Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hamlet Test

World LiteratureHAMLET Test200 points (180 for test answers; 20 for correct documentation of quotations and Works Cited as well as spelling, etc.)

Be sure to support your answers with Act.scene.line(s) cited like this:“The time is out of joint” (1.5.210).1. Hamlet’s relationships with the other characters in the play are complicated.

Choose three relationships; analyze how Hamlet is impacted by each (three quotations – one for each relationship). 60 points

Hamlet had many complicated relationships in the story. The three main ones are the relationship he had with Ophelia, his father, and Horatio. His relationship with Ophelia was based on love. They loved each other even though they had so many conflicts they had to deal with in their relationships and other outside conflicts. Some of the conflicts that they dealt with were when Claudius and Polonius told Ophelia to spy on Hamlet. She wanted to be loyal to them even though she loved Hamlet. Another was when Claudius and Polonius had Ophelia go to talk with Hamlet alone while they stayed in the distance and spied on the two while they talk. During their talk he told her that he didn’t love her and he thought that women were whores. “You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you not.” (3.1.127-129). That was the line where Hamlet explained to Ophelia that he did not love her. Later in the act he told her everything he felt about how he thought women were whores. Even thought Hamlet often denied loving her and told her he did not, deep down he loved her but he did not want to admit it and he often hurt Ophelia when he did not want to but it was what he had to do. The reason for the indecision that hamlet had with his love towards Ophelia was because of how she treated him. He was sick of her ignoring him and lying to him and he was sick of it.

The relationship that Hamlet had with his father was a good healthy relationship but unforinitly his father died. He was not sure how his father was killed until act 1 scene 5 when he meets up with the ghost of his father. When talking to the ghost of his father Hamlet is told that his father was killed by poison in his ear that caused blood clots. The ghost asks Hamlet if he will avenge his death and Hamlet tells him that he will do it for him. “But, howsomever thou persues this act, taint not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive against thy mother aught. Leave her to heaven and to those thorns that in her bosom lodge to prick and sting her.”(1.5.91-95 ) This is the King’s ghost telling his son Hamlet that he needs to get revenge for his death. In act 3 scene 2 a play is performed that reminds us of a lot of the same details of the life of Hamlet’s mother and father. When they acted out the death of the king by being poisoned Claudius became upset. When the play was over Hamlet was told that his mother needs to speak with him about something. When he went to talk to her he was at first very angry but then he saw the ghost of his father and he calmed down and told his mother that he needs to stay away from his uncle and his uncle’s bed tonight.

The relationship that Hamlet has with Horatio is a great friendship. It is shown throughout the book that Horatio is Hamlet's only true friend. He was the only one that truly cared for Hamlet and he showed it a lot. The feelings that they shared between one another were true feelings and emotions. Horatio was not only Hamlet's best friend he was also the only other person that saw the ghost of Hamlet's father. Hamlet also had him do many important jobs for him like spy on Claudius during the play to see if he showed any guilt during the play about the poisoning of king Hamlet, Hamlet's father. During the story he was seen has a very noble and very brave man. He was also seen as the most educated and smartest person of all the characters, he was very intimidating also. He was shown a lot of respect by every one around him. “ As I do live, my honored lord, tis true. And we did think it writ down in our duty to let you know of it.” (1.2.234-236) This was a quote that Horatio said to Hamlet that I thought showed his loyality and his dedication to the people that he wanted to defend and who's side he was on.

2. Revenge, redemption, loyalty, indecision, love, appearance vs. reality, and betrayal are significant themes in the play. Choose three of these and explain how each theme affects the characters and the outcome of the play (three quotations – one for each theme). 60 points

Revenge- I think that revenge was a very big theme in the story and played a big part of the story. Many different characters in the story were asked to get revenge for something that had happened in their family or deaths in their family. For example Hamlet's father asked him to get revenge for his death. His ghost came and spoke with Hamlet and told him that he was poisoned and he needed to seek revenge for it. “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.” (1.5.32). That was spoken by the ghost which is the spirt of Hamlet's father after telling Hamlet that he was murdered by poison in his ear. He told him that he needs to get revenge on who did the crime.

Love- I think that love is a very big theme in the story because Hamlet and other characters showed many different types of love. There was love between Hamlet and Ophelia. There was a friendship love between Hamlet and Horatio. There was also love between Hamlet and his father. The love that Hamlet has for Ophelia is somewhat of a confusing love because they were both confused about how they felt for each other and always telling each other things they didn’t always mean. They rarely told each other how they really felt about one another. Hamlet did not always have a great relationship with his mother especially after his father was killed but he got things worked out with her and they managed to have a somewhat normal relationship. “Why look you ther, look how it steals away! My father, in his habit as he lived! Look where he goes even now out at the portol!” (3.4.154-156). This was when they were not really getting along and they talking about the death of king Hamlet and it was right as he was leaving. The relationship Hamlet has with Horatio is a great friendship. They truly care for each other and would do anything for the other person. Horatio is a very noble, trustworthy, and brave man and those are good qualities in a friend.

Loyalty- Loyalty is a big theme in the story because I think that the whole story is kind of based on it. It is very important that everyone stays loyal to their family, their friends, and the people they love all throughout this story. Hamlet is very loyal in the story. He shows his loyalty to many different people. He shows he is loyal to Horatio, his father and even Ophelia. He is definitely the most loyal to his father though. His father asks him to seek revenge and he does his best to try to by finding out who poisoned him. “So art thou to revenge, when thou shalt hear.” (1.5.13). Hamlet’s friends are also very loyal to him. They show that they are loyal to him by going places with him and always supporting him even when other people think that he is crazy. There is also disloyalty that goes on in the story. Hamlet’s mother was not very loyal to Hamlet when his father died. He wants her to stay away from his uncles bed and she does not remain loyal to him because she does not always stay away from his bed. Hamlet was upset with her when she married his uncle. He thought that it was to soon after his father died, which is understandable.

3. Has Hamlet changed? You may compare the soliloquies from1.2.133-164 2.2.575-636 3.1.63-99 4.4.33-69 or you may use other textual evidence that you have prepared to answer this question (three quotations – beginning, “middle,” and end). 60 points

I think that Hamlet changed a great deal throughout the story. He started off in the beginning by having a great relationship with both his mother and his father. “I shall in all my best obey you, madam.”(1.2.124). At the time that he said this to his mother he still had a great deal of respect for her and would always listen to what she had to say and was more likely to obey her and respect her than he was later in the play. At this time he had no worries in his life and everything was good. He had a good relationship with his mother until his father died. His father died of being poisoned. This hurt the relationship with his mother because she started to see and be with Hamlet’s uncle, who is his dads brother. Hamlet asked his mother to stay away from him and not be around him but she did not always listen. This made Hamlet resent both his mother and his uncle for a very long time. Toward the middle of the play he started having feelings towards Ophelia. At first he really did like and care for her. As time went on they became further and further apart because of things that she did like not being honest with him and not being loyal towards him. That was another example of how he changed because he always changed how he felt about Ophelia. “To be or not to be- that is the question: whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles.”(3.1.64-67). That is what Hamlet said to Ophelia about their relationship and what they should do about it. I think that Hamlet and Ophelia could have had a good relationship but both had other people that they needed to stay loyal to and that sometimes made them not want to like or be around the other. Neither ever really came out and told the other how they felt. It seemed as if they were always in denial of how they really felt towards each other and were scared to say or talk about it with one another. The final way that he changed I think was the way that he felt towards Ophelia once he found out that she had drowned and was dead. “I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her?” (5.1.285-287). Once she was dead was when he finally admitted to everyone, including himself, that he really did love Ophelia, and all the feelings he had for her were true and sincere. Once Ophelia was dead I think he felt that he was alone. The only other person he felt he had was his mother who had recently married his uncle. He knew that he needed his mother so he had to try and get along with her and respect her. Even saying that he still wants revenge for his father and I believe he will get the revenge because that is what his father wants.

Work CitedShakespeare, William. Hamlet. Folger Shakespeare Library Edition. Barbara Mowat and Paul Werstine, Eds. NY: Washington Square Press, 1992.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Beowulf Test

BEOWULF Unit Test = 200 pointsAnswer the following questions in complete paragraphs; be sure to include examples for each question and quotations as indicated with appropriate citation after each quotation. You will need nine quotations.Ex. “I ended his reign, avenged his crime” (Raffel 84).YOU MUST HAVE A WORKS CITED (WORTH 10 POINTS) -- SEE BEOWULF UNIT PLAN ON THIS BLOG PAGE1. Literary scholars contend that Beowulf is the quintessential good vs. evil story. Explain how the poem depicts good vs. evil by citing at least three examples. You must have THREE QUOTATIONS (one for each example); also, make sure your “argument” is clearly written and supported by evidence from the story. 60 points
Good Vs Evil is depicted many times in the story. The first example is the battle between Beowulf and Grendel. The battle between them was a very good one because they were both very strong and would do anything to win. It started when Grendel tore through Heorot and broke down a door and instantly killing a soldier, the battle was on. At first Beowulf was just observing but when Gendel reached for him that was when Grendel realized just how strong Beowulf was. He tried to escape and go back to his safe swamplands. He was in shock because he could not believe that Beowulf was actually stronger than he was. “Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my sword; I shall not, easy as it would be. This fiend is a bold and famous fighter, but his claws and teeth scratching at my shield, his clumsy fists beating at my sword blade, would be helpless. I will meet him with my hands empty unless his heart fails him, seeing a soldier waiting weaponless, unafraid. Let God in his wisdom extend his hand where he wills, reward whom he chooses!”(Raffel page 33 lines 675-685). I think this quote from Beowulf shows that he is confident and is unafraid which is a good thing if being in a fight. When Beowulf beat Grendel in this fight it proved that he is very strong and should not be underestimated and it disproves Unferth by saying that he was weak and had many weaknesses.

The second example of good vs evil is when Beowulf battles Grendel’s mother. Beowulf goes basically all the way to hell to fight Grendels mother. When he reached her she tried to hurt him but could not because he had armor on. As she was dragging him along he was hitting her with his sword that Unferth gave him but even that special blade could not hurt or pierce her skin. Beowulf was doing everything possible to fight back and they were going back and forth no one taking a clear lead or having an advantage. That was until he noticed that there was a sword hanging from the wall, a weapon that could destroy anything. As soon as he got the sword he swung hard and cut her neck killing her instantly. He thought the sword was special because he thought as if God had told him that is the sword he needed and should take. “And now it was known that a monster had died but a monster still lived, and meant revenge. She’d brooded on her loss, misery had brewed in her heart, that female horror, Grendels Mother, living in the murky cold lake assigned her since Cain had killed his only brother, slain his father’s son with an angry sword.” (Raffel page 56, lines 1255-1263).

The final example of good vs evil is when Beowulf battled with the dragon. Before the fight Beowulf made sure he said good bye to all his men knowing it could be his last fight. When Beowulf challenged the dragon he came from under the ground and they started to fight. Beowulf was hitting the dragon with his sword but realized he didn’t have the strength he used to. When his men see he is in trouble and needs help they did not remain loyal and most of them ran away. All of his men ran away except one. He stayed and tried to help him defeat the dragon. Beowulf’s sword broke so then he was almost defenseless. He was bite by the dragon but after being bit he stabbed the dragon which ended up killing it. He then realized how bad the bite was and he began to bleed and at that time he knew he was going to die. He told the warrior that stayed to help him that it would be his responsibility to look after the geats and then he died. “I’ve never known fear; as a youth I fought in endless battles. I am old, now, but I will fight again, seek fame still, if the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me.”(Raffel page 103, lines 2510-25152. How would you describe Beowulf’s attitude toward life – his beliefs and values? You must have TWO QUOTATIONS cited correctly to support your opinion. 40 points
I think that Beowulf had a great attitude toward life. He was positive and always stood up for what he believed in. He had many different beliefs and values and he always lived his life by them and stood up for them. He believed in having pride for his country and he greatly valued his country. He also deeply believed in leaving a good legacy behind when he died. He wanted people to remember him for being a very strong, brave, and courageous man. He always tried to put other people before himself. He believed that he was god’s ‘handyman’ and thought it was his responsibility to help others. He basically dedicated his life towards helping God. “Let them beware, those who are thrust into danger, clutched at by trouble, yet can carry no solace in their hearts, cannot hope to be better! Hail to those who will rise to God, drop off their dead bodies and seek our Father’s peace!” (Raffel Page 10, lines 184-188) I liked this quote because he is telling them that god will always be there in the end. That was the part of the book when Beowulf was trying to explain to stay away from the devil and go towards God. Beowulf also greatly valued the relationship he had between his men, the relationship he had with the king, and when he was king the relationship he had with his people. He also greatly values receiving gifts because it shows their appreciation for him and it shows that he is proud and courageous. “With him, tear it from the heaped up treasure it had guarded so long. And he’d go to it alone, scorning to lead soldiers against such an enemy: he saw nothing to fear, thought nothing of the beast’s claws, or wings, or flaming jaws he had fought, before, against worse odds, had survived, been victorious, in harsher battles, beginning in Herot, Hrothgars unlucky hall.” (Raffel page 97 lines 2345- 2360). This quote shows that he will do anything and will not be afraid. He also loved being honored. He was very honored when the queen told him that she wanted her children to be just like him when they grow up. He thought that to be the highest honor possible.

3. Is Beowulf a braggart or is he honest? Is he guilty of hubris? State your opinion and support with specific examples and ONE QUOTATION cited correctly.30 points
I think that Beowulf is a hero becuase he took down Grendal. Beowulf also has many hero qualities like brave, Courageous, strong, and a leader. He also showed a few signs of being a braggert like him thinking that he is the best and is better than everyone. I also think that the confidence he has is a good thing becasue it shows he is willing to do whatever it takes and fight anyone to prove he is the best. "Grendel is no braver, no stronger than i am! I could kill him with my sword; i shall not, Easy as it would be. this fiend is a bold and famous fighter, but hiss claws and teeth scratching at my shield, his clumsy fists beating at my sword blade, would be helpless. i will meet him with my hands empty unless his heart fails him, seeing a soldier waiting weaponless, unafraid. Let god in his wisdom extend his hand where he wills, reward whom he chooses!" (page 31 and 32). I think that was a good example because it showed his courage to fight no matter what and his confindence that he could beat anyone. I think that by Grendal attacking him unexpectantly showed that he was afraid and that shows that Beowulf is strong and intimidating. " When we crossed the sea my comrades and I, I already knew that all my purpose was this: to win the goodwill of your people or die in battle, pressed in Grendels fierce grip. Let me live in greatness and courage, or here in this hall welcome my death!" (page 29). I think that example showed that he is a great leader, which is a quality of a hero because it showed his willingness to die for what he wanted to do and what he believed in and it showed that he was courageous in willing to fight Grendel. Those are the reasons i think Beowulf is a hero.
4. Choose three themes from Beowulf besides good vs. evil. Explain how they are implicated in the poem using at least one quotation for each theme -- THREE QUOTATIONS TOTAL.60 points
The first them of this poem is loyalty. Loyalty and even being disloyal is a reoccurring them throughout this poem. Beowulf was always loyal no matter what. By him being loyal it saved his country and all of his people. I think that during this time period it was a very good quality if you were very loyal. He was very loyal to his king whenever he needed help Beowulf was there to help him. Everything he did was because he knew it was the right thing to do and no other reasons. There also others in the story that were loyal too. Like Hrothgar was very loyal to Beowulf by helping Beowulf when possible and always being there for him. There were also disloyal characters. For example when Beowulf was fighting the dragon and needed help only one person stayed loyal and helped him in his final battle. Everyone else was scared and ran away. “in his far off home Beowulf, Higlac’s follower and the strongest of the Geats greater and stronger tan anyone anywhere in this world heard how Grendel filled nights with horror and quickly commanded a boat fitted out, Proclaiming that he’d go to that famous king, would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, now when help was needed. None of the wise ones regretted his going, much as he was loved by the Geats: the omens were good, and they urged the adventure on.”(Raffel Page 11, lines 195-205). This quote expresses the love that everyone had for Beowulf and that they were going to support him.
The second them of the story is legacy. Legacy is the way that people view what kind of person you were and what you believed in when you die. I think that Beowulf was trying to maintain a good legacy all throughout the story. He won major battles against Grendel, Grendel’s mother and the dragon which all helped insure his good legacy. He also always did what he believed in and did the right thing. He was very religious and dedicated his life to helping others before himself. “The help I gave him was nothing, but all I was able to give; I went to him, knowing that nothing but Beowulf’s strength could save us, and my sword was lucky, found some vital place and bled the burning flames away.” (Raffel page 116 lines 2875-2880).

The final theme of the story is Leadership. I think leadership is an important theme in the story because Beowulf is a great leader. Beowulf shows that he is a leader many times in this story. Some examples are when he defeats Grendel. He defeats him because he was an enemy of the him and all of his people. His people look up to him so much that whenever he wins a fight, battle, or does something to help his people they celebrate and give him gifts. They honor him in many different ways. He shows he is a great leader by displaying qualities such as bravery, being courageous, taking charge and doing what is best for his people. He is also well respected by his people and they have great faith in him. “Accept this cup, my lord and king! May happiness come to the danes great ring giver; may the Geats receive mild words from your mouth, words they have earned! Let gifts flow freely from your open hands, treasures your armies have brought you from all over the world. I have heard that the greatest of the Geats now rests in your heart like a son.” (Raffel page 51 lines1170-1176). I think this quote describes how much they appreciate Beowulf as a leader. This is a “Bonus” question and will be evaluated separately from the test. It is worth 30 points as a separate assignment.5. In what ways has the “world view” of hero changed from the Beowulf poem era to today? Cite specific examples from both the epic translation that we have read and from the Grendel excerpt that Mr. Osterhaus read, as well as your own experience. You will NOT need a quotation for this question.

Raffel, Burton, Trans. BEOWULF. NY: Signet Classic, 1963.


  • loyalty
  • human vs. human and creature vs. human
  • human vs. self
  • human vs. society- person vs. world
  • free will vs. captivity
  • free will vs. fate/ destiny
  • search for power
  • search for freedom
  • human condition- wants to feel needed and useful- what he does to gain respect and to feel good about him self
  • greed
  • good vs. evil
  • pride/hubris
  • God's power in our lives
  • revenge
  • cruelty
  • hatred
  • The idea of is the grass truly greener on the other side
  • love
  • God's law vs. mortal law
  • despair
  • hope
  • person vs. death
  • fear
  • legacy
  • role of women
  • descent to hell
  • leadership
  • braggart vs. hero
  • pagan vs. Christian
  • beliefs and values in the story
  • giving of gifts- gift appreciation
  • view of afterlife
  • ritual-burial ways also
  • spiritual ordeal
  • intervention of God/gods
  • respect

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Star Wars Test

1. I think that the call to adventure was when Luke asked Ob Won to help him and Ob won agreed to help. Luke's Two main helpers at this point were C- 3PO and R2-D2. The Threshold of Adventure which is going from the known and into the unknown was when Luke and Ob won went into the bar to talk with Han Solo and Chewbaca about getting their help. Their were many different tests during the movie. Some of them were saving Princess Leia, going on without Ob Won after he died fighting Darth Vader, trying to get home safely and many more. At this point in the movie after saving Princess Leia they had many more helpers like C-3PO, R2-D2, Han Solo, Chewbaca, and Princess Leia. The triumph is father Atonement. One of the threshold struggles or supreme ordeals is the death of Darth Vader.
2. Hero: Luke he is always taking charge and doing what he wants, like when he decided on his own to go and save Princess Leia.
Antihero: Han Solo is not always as eager to do something and is negative.
Wise Fool: Ob Won Kanobi because he is older and very smart but doesnt always make the best decisions.
Devil Figure: Darth Vader because he believs in an evil force.
Outcast: Chewbaca because he is always being made fun of for his loud noises and looks.
Double: Darth Vader because he has been on both sides of good and evil.
Scapegoat: OB Won Kanobi
The Temptress and The Good Mother are both Princess Leia.
3. I believe that Darth Vader does fit all the Characteristics of a tragic man. He has a belief in his own freedom because he is always making tough decisons and people are always looking to him for help. He shows supreme pride because he is very confident and thinks he is always right. He also has a capacity for suffering,he is alwyas committed to what he is doing and he always is protesting vigorously. He shows his transfiguration by revealing his face to Luke. He also has very big impacts in his life like losing his wife, Luke and Princess Leia.
4. Three of the many different hero traits that Luke possesses are bravery, strength, and leadership. He shows his bravery by never being scared and always putting his life in danger. He shows his strengh by never backing down from anything, and he shows his leadership abilities by always taking charge and making tough decisons.
5. Some of the possible themes for the movie are love between man and women which is between Princess Leia and Han Solo. Love between family which is between Luke and Darth Vader and between Luke and Princess Leia. The final theme is Good VS Evil.

Monday, August 24, 2009