Wednesday, October 21, 2009


  • loyalty
  • human vs. human and creature vs. human
  • human vs. self
  • human vs. society- person vs. world
  • free will vs. captivity
  • free will vs. fate/ destiny
  • search for power
  • search for freedom
  • human condition- wants to feel needed and useful- what he does to gain respect and to feel good about him self
  • greed
  • good vs. evil
  • pride/hubris
  • God's power in our lives
  • revenge
  • cruelty
  • hatred
  • The idea of is the grass truly greener on the other side
  • love
  • God's law vs. mortal law
  • despair
  • hope
  • person vs. death
  • fear
  • legacy
  • role of women
  • descent to hell
  • leadership
  • braggart vs. hero
  • pagan vs. Christian
  • beliefs and values in the story
  • giving of gifts- gift appreciation
  • view of afterlife
  • ritual-burial ways also
  • spiritual ordeal
  • intervention of God/gods
  • respect

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